Testing aria-readonly

Used in the post Brief Note on aria-readonly Support.

These controls, with the exception of #6a (the second ARIA checkbox) in no way programmatically prevent interaction. There is no script to limit their function (again, except the ARIA checkbox).

1. Uses aria-readonly with radiogroup Role on a <fieldset>


2. Uses aria-readonly with radiogroup Role


3. APG Combobox with aria-readonly on the combobox and listbox Roles

4. APG Listbox with aria-readonly

Choose your favorite transuranic element (actinide or transactinide).

Transuranium elements:
  • Neptunium
  • Plutonium
  • Americium
  • Curium
  • Berkelium
  • Californium
  • Einsteinium
  • Fermium
  • Mendelevium
  • Nobelium
  • Lawrencium
  • Rutherfordium
  • Dubnium
  • Seaborgium
  • Bohrium
  • Hassium
  • Meitnerium
  • Darmstadtium
  • Roentgenium
  • Copernicium
  • Nihonium
  • Flerovium
  • Moscovium
  • Livermorium
  • Tennessine
  • Oganesson

5. Native checkbox with aria-readonly

6. checkbox Role with aria-readonly

6a. checkbox Role with aria-readonly and Checking Disallowed