Show decorative bookmarklet

Article: ALT LEFT

Show Decorative

Paul J memorial ARIA meme

Before running the bookmarklet the image is not identified by JAWS and Picture Smart is not able to provide a description, after running the bookmarklet it is. JAWS Picture Smart is able to provide a description. Picture Smart results dialog for the image above: The image is a meme of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, who is an ancient astronaut theorist. The text on the image says 'I'm not saying the answer is ARIA..., but add ARIA'.

Bookmarklet Documentation


This bookmarklet modifies the attributes of <img> elements and elements with role="img" on a webpage to ensure they are accessible and labeled as decorative images. It performs the following actions:

  1. Removes alt, aria-hidden, and role="presentation" attributes if present.
  2. Adds or updates the aria-label attribute to include an incremental value followed by "decorative".
  3. Ensures that elements without alt, aria-hidden, or role attributes are given role="img" and an aria-label.

Actions Performed

  1. Skip Images with Non-empty alt Attribute:

  2. Remove Attributes:

  3. Update aria-label:

  4. Add role="img" and aria-label:

  5. Alert User: